Proverbs around the corner

"Whatever you give a woman, she will make greater. If you give her sperm, she'll give you a baby. If you give her a house, she'll give you a home. If you give her groceries, she'll give you a meal. If you give her a smile, she'll give you her heart. She multiplies and enlarges what is given to her. So, if you give her any crap, be ready to receive tons of shit."

Monday, March 24, 2008

Is Mongolia a trash bin?

Is Mongolian economy and society becoming a trash bin for foreigners? In last few years, the illegal immigrants, workers from China and other countries seem to be increasing substantially. It is estimated that 100-200 thousand Chinese illegal workers inhabit in Ulaanbaatar city. There are no accurate estimates for illegal residents in Mongolia. It is obvious that most of whoever comes here to reside are not rich and successful business people or talented and highly educated employees. Why would successful one want to work in Mongolia, where Mongolians themselves are reaching for UK or USA to work abroad? Sure, we do pay more to foreign specialists than to Mongolian professionals. However, these types of expats are sourced and invited to work in Mongolia. What about who voluntarily come to Mongolia?

There is logical report that Korean and Chinese business people that come to Mongolia are not successful in their home country. Usually they get low interest rate loans from Korean/Chinese banks and come here to set up their business. You can see Korean and Chinese restaurants and shops flourishing all over UB. I even would not want to start talking about Chinese construction workers that roam UB like cockroaches. Disgusting!

Are these businesses, workers helping Mongolian economy? I guess not, as the money pours into foreign businesses, and it is in turn bounces back to Korean/Chinese market through import of goods and services. Are these unqualified foreign workers bringing any value to our society and culture? I don’t think so! Foreign males, which are unwanted at their home, are using vulnerable Mongolian girls (however, I blame those girls too, for seeking easy money!)!

So, what can we ordinary citizens do? Try to purchase goods and services that are domestic and shave the hair off from those foolish girls? I think the main duty lies in the government. It should build policies that are domestic production benign, aids and supports domestic consumers, and also tighter residency and immigration policies are urgently needed.

The Government and the whole state now are in kind of recess for anticipation of upcoming elections. Jeez! They are in no state of bringing up policies, if this government could not do it, will the next one be able to do? Anyways, this was my brief thought, that usually comes and goes in my brain, J

So, my ultimate question is:

Is Mongolia a trash bin for unqualified, undeveloped foreign workers?

Don’t we deserve better?


Anonymous said...

If I get you right, my answer is in reverse. Mongolia is heaven for them, but it turns Mongolia into trash bins for Mongolians. What a pity. It should be vise versa.

Natso said...

According to the way you presented your ideas, I assume you are at least PhD student, because it was very good!

Also, check out my blogs!