Proverbs around the corner

"Whatever you give a woman, she will make greater. If you give her sperm, she'll give you a baby. If you give her a house, she'll give you a home. If you give her groceries, she'll give you a meal. If you give her a smile, she'll give you her heart. She multiplies and enlarges what is given to her. So, if you give her any crap, be ready to receive tons of shit."

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


One of the biggest obstacles in my life now is my parents. Please, do not interpret as I do not love them. I love them very much! I respect them. I get inspired by them. However, circumstances are that I do not get along with them.

As shameful as it is, at the age of close to 30, I live with my parents. Financially and personally, I am relatively independent. The truth is, my parents are afraid to let me go. One thing I do not understand is that they let me go when I was 17 to foreign country, all alone. I lived with a host family, but they were strangers, and my parents trusted them. Then at later stage, when I joined university, I lived on my own for 3-4 years. Yet, they still do not trust me. What can I do to gain their trust back? What have I done to lose their confidence, respect in me?

Maybe circumstances have changed and I have a child. However, I have proven to them that I can live on my own with my child. Yet, still they do not let me. I work hard. I think hard and try to be good mom, good daughter, good friend, good employee, and good in everything I can. In spite of everything, it is not enough for my parents.

One thing they do not realize is that they did not live my life. My mother did not have to suffer same as I did. They do not feel the pain and pressure of a single parent. When they were young, the apartment was ready for them. The job and salary was secure. They did not have to think hard about making a living. Education was free for their children. Only recently, after shift to market economy my parents struggled to make a living. I appreciate that my parents given me and my brother the best education and best things they could afford. How can I make them feel my pain? Will they be able to survive what I have gone through?

I think our parents should be thankful that they did not have to struggle to pay the mortgage, to make ends meet with monthly salaries, and pay for the good education for their children when they were our age.

Maybe there are many young people like me, who experience the same difficulty with their parents. I have a question to all of you. Why do they not realize the difference in their and our circumstances? Why they are so hesitant to understand? Whose fault is it?

1 comment:

Natso said...

I think it's a conflict in your social role, as a single parent and as a child to your parents.

As a single parent, you have a strong feeling to become independent and go your own path.

But as a child, your parents still feel the obligation to nurture you.

I can't offer any advice to you, as I 'm even younger than you and have less experience in it.

I can, however, recommend you to read more about "Social roles and its conflicts".
