Proverbs around the corner

"Whatever you give a woman, she will make greater. If you give her sperm, she'll give you a baby. If you give her a house, she'll give you a home. If you give her groceries, she'll give you a meal. If you give her a smile, she'll give you her heart. She multiplies and enlarges what is given to her. So, if you give her any crap, be ready to receive tons of shit."

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

What I would and would not do

Strange thought crossed my mind the other day. I have attempted to identify things I would do and wouldn't do if someone offered me a million bucks. So here is the list of 10 random things that I have mentally compiled.


1. Kiss an ugly man, just because I feel pity for him
2. Give 10-20$ to homeless (but wouldn't give it right to their hands, I have to put it somewhere near them, on the ground, or "begging basket" or something, as it is considered bad luck if you put something in their hands, as it takes away your luck :?)
3. Have more babies :)
4. Change my job/occupation
5. Consider writing a book or publishing a magazine
6. Try to be a singer (not only shouting in the karaoke)
7. Ride on the roller coaster and be scared :) (which is actually fun!)
8. Be an actress (its my childhood dream to be an actress, or even comedian)
9. Do lectures (on any topic, subject - eve though I have fear of speaking in front of many people)
10. Sleep for 24 hours (aahhh... nice :) )


1. Marry a man just because he is better off financially or career wise.
2. Hurt someone intentionally.
3. Be part of the governmental organization (as they are the real bureaucrats and top inefficiencies of these days in Mongolia)
4. Touch an alive fish (it is too gross ... eyyyaaaaakkkkk)
5. Come near insects (too afraid of them, in fact have a phobia)
6. Be nice to person who is unfair to others and keep my mouth shut.
7. Jump with parachute or skydive etc. (afraid of heights)
8. Be surrogate mother (would not give up a child that I have bore for 9-10 months.)
9. Try to be someone I'm not.
10. Intentionally lie to loved ones.

Monday, May 18, 2009

The old end is new beginning

When one door closes, there is always another door opens for anyone on this world. Such that, the opportunities never seem to end. One's failure is another's opportunity. This is how life goes.
One shouldn't give up just because something failed. Other things will succeed in your life. Thus, DON'T YOU EVER GIVE UP! This is the same motto I repeat to myself everyday. This is what keeps me alive through hardships of daily routine and boring work, through stress and depression, through anything.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Oops! I did it again ...

I think I did it again
I made myself believe we’re more than just friends

Oh baby
It might seem like a crush
But it doesn’t mean that you’re serious
‘Cause to lose all my senses

That is just so typically me
Oh baby, baby

Oops! … I did it again
I played with my heart, got lost in the game
Oh baby, baby
Oops! … I think I ‘m in love
That I’m sent from above
I’m that innocent

You see my problem is this
I’m dreaming away
Wishing that heroes, they truly exist
I cry, watching the days

Can’t you see I’m a fool in so many ways
But to lose all my sense
That is just so typically me
Baby, oh

Oops! I did it again to my heart
Got lost in this game, oh baby
Oops! I think that I’m sent from above
I’m that innocent

(lyrics was modified to reflect some personal elements)

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Saving An Infants Life….The Ultimate Gift

This cute chubby boy toddler, called Gantulga BILGUUN, has been among us for only two and half years, yet his delicate young life is greatly and unavoidably is threatened by a very rare and unforgiving blood disease. Fortunately, there is a strong will among family and friends that will save his life and with everyone’s assistance, reward a happy and healthy son to his parents and to the society…
Bilguun’s Diagnosis: He has a severe Aplastic anemia. This is a serious life-threatening disease characterized by bone marrow failure disorder i.e. low or no natural blood cell production that eventually leads to absolute level of immune suppression, which will certainly result in his death. Aplastic anemia can be a curable disease with proper care and medicine and a long term survival effectiveness is expected.

Treatment: Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. (HSCT) It’s expected that this sophisticated and multi-stage treatment would cost a minimum of USD 90,000, if there is no further complication arises.

The “Good Will – Philanthropic Act” movement

A group of youth with a strong goodwill and encouraged by strong determination, decided that they cannot afford this disease claim our off-spring’s life anymore… even such an unforgiving and fearful disease appears around the corner, we – all willed people can unite and stand together against it to save Bilguun’s life, no matter what…
The sacrifices are ours and we are prepared to assist Bilguun.Justify Full

This energetic youth group held several volunteer meetings and subsequently started the Good Will – Philanthropic Act movement. You are very welcome to join us anytime and anywhere at our temporary office or simply connect through the cyber world.

Goal and Scope of the movement
Goal: The goal is to save Bilguun’s life and return happy and healthy Bilguun to his family

Scope: To collaborate with those who want to help Bilguun , including volunteer public media (tv, radio, newspaper, magazine), webpages, companies, freelancers and individuals in order to bring ultimate success to the charity movement within Mongolia and by Mongolians who live abroad. Also we are looking forward to cooperate with foreign organization, which have similar goals and mandates.

Your kind support needed
You can help us too…in any way…morally, physically and materially
Even, you think it’s a small gesture, your help and consideration can bring immense hope and encouragement to us and Bilguun…
We are collecting donations at trust accounts that are opened under Bilguun’s mother – Mrs. Bat-Tsoodol UNDARMAA and under his own name as well.

If you wish to support us and help Bilguun to regain his life which is rapidly fading away then please take a moment and say a prayer and think that no amount is small for his needs.
The donation account details are as to the follows;

Golomt Bank, Account Number: MNT 1605001450 or USD 1605001451 (Beneficiary: B. Undarmaa)
Or otherwise you may want to donate Bilguun directly at
XAAH Bank. Account Number MNT 5026556348 or USD 5026556359 (Beneficiary: G. Bilguun)

Please visit : for more information.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Can somebody help me?

I'm trying to update my blog template and turn it into 3 column template. However, I'm experiencing problems related to HTML code, of which obviously I have no clue. Can somebody help me to tweak the codes so that the two side-columns and main body will distribute evenly and look nice? Otherwise, it gets scrambled into one place. Oh... wish I could understand these numbers, letters, and symbols :)