Proverbs around the corner

"Whatever you give a woman, she will make greater. If you give her sperm, she'll give you a baby. If you give her a house, she'll give you a home. If you give her groceries, she'll give you a meal. If you give her a smile, she'll give you her heart. She multiplies and enlarges what is given to her. So, if you give her any crap, be ready to receive tons of shit."

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Blogs, anyone?

Does anyone read blogs anymore? My space for blogging gone to famous Facebook. There, I don't have to think, write in logical way. It is like chatting all the time. Perhaps, it is making us more lazy, unorganized. Blogging is one way of journalism. But, I'm being lazy...

Friday, July 22, 2011


Freaking tired. Brain gone numb. Too much work. Too much information. Dude.

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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Tears from heaven

Misty & rainy morning welcomed me today. These were tears from heaven. Cooled the heat & suppressed the dust. Also, sentimentally warmed my heart. Somehow, it felt so familiar, warm, cool, lovely. Happy.

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Monday, July 18, 2011


It's so hard when your friend is suffering & you can't help. Trying to do my best to help, but still it seems not enough. Puzzled. Mental suffering is most difficult and complex problems people encounter. There is nothing a third person can do, inless he or she decides on its solution. I believe human beings are makers of their happiness. So one has to decide to be happy & not to suffer, otherwise it seems there is no solution. Wish i could help more!

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Sunday, July 17, 2011

Super hot

Today is one of belated summer days when its hot & dry, just like regular Mongolian summer. Otherwise its been raining & cool for past 2 summer months. We've forgot how dry summer can be & paying off our dues today ;)

Cool-aid ;)

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Saturday, July 16, 2011

Discrimination of LGBTs in Mongolia

Warm Saturday evening at my summer house was stirred into volcano of thoughts by Nandia's Talk Show, which merely imitates well known western shows like Oprah & Ellen shows. However, this is not about the show itself, but it's today's content that boggled my mind.
This time, lite was lit on issue of LGBTs of Mongolia.
No matter how deep it maybe hidden in the far dark corners of our society and minds of heterosexual people, this issue is and will be one of most complex & controversial issues faced by modern Mongolians in near future.
Show involved two guests, Ms. Anaraa, Consultative member of Mongolian LGBT NGO & Mr. Otgoo, manager of the NGO. These two prominent activists answered questions from participants & shed the light on real life of LGBTs. Also, some excerpts from documentary was shown, which potrayed situations in Mongolia involving LGBTs.
This episode trailed many thoughts in my hollow brain & stirred many emotions within my big boned body.
How can one live in constant fear of being beaten up or killed, just for being themselves, or whoever they'd like to be? How can one overcome pressure from every human being including their beloved family?
I usually try to imagine hardships people go through, especially unfortunate, underprivilaged & minorities, whenever I'm faced with related issues.
This time, being gay doesn't seem all flowers & birds, as often it is potrayed in Hollywood movies. Now, it is real life, where majority feels being LGBT is sick, wrong & "punishible crime."
People in current society, if they don't wish ill to LGBTs, they want them to be 'underground,' or at least they'd like to be segregated from them.
This is how strong Mongolian society feels about sexual minorities these days. Worse, some gatherings like Great Mongol Movement explicitly expressed their aggression against LGBTs by threatning to rape, beat, & kill them if they become publicly known.
Only, heterosexual minorities like us, who have either been living or educated abroad, been exposed to LGBT- friendly societies, or have open mind, or expats/local foreigners support LGBTs & fulfillment of at least their basic human rights in our democratic Mongolia. Everybody is afraid being involved with sexual minority. They think it'll damage their name & reputation. "It may imply that they themselves are LGBTs." I agree, that LGBTs are very sensitive issue given our vast land, low population, two big neighbors, and culture. However, like it or not these minorities do exist and will keep existing within us, our brothers & sisters. So, we just cannot shut the door on it & say it can't exist. There has to be right awareness, understanding & respect to constitutional rights of LGBTs given to them by Constitution, by Mongolian public who empowered the Constitution.
What can we do to better our society & enlighten our comrades on such issues?
At least, what I can do is to try to shed light on LGBT issue to my friends & families, tell people that they are normal people like us & deserve to be treated as such, and would like to call you, the reader, to do the same.

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Friday, July 1, 2011


If anyone is interested in moderating this blog, welcome. Just let me know. Thanks!

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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Hell, no

Eel, no! It took me almost 35 mins to get to from Khan Uul district to Seoul street, which is like 1.5 km!

When I used to go to Seoul street everyday bout a year ago, I took my kid to her school and started my journey to work around 8.20-8.25 am and got at work around 8.35-8.40 am. Now it seems impossible, even if I leave the school at 8.25, I will get to old office barely at 9. Wow! Traffic seem to worsen with each year... Probably it'll take me an hour next year. Hell, no! Where is heaven God?

Monday, May 2, 2011

Dictionary of Road Design and Construction Terms

Related to what I've been doing lately, I found this small terminology booklet for those who are in Road Construction Sector. Hope it's helpful, as it has been to me :)

Download here:
Dictionary of Road Design and Construction Terms

Monica Bing

Few days ago, while re-watching Friends series, realized that I'm closer to or resemblance to Monica Geller/Bing. Control freak, obsessive and competitive in my own way. Don't know about clean freakishness, but could be in my mind though :)
Its been a hard journey for me to find a right man. As Monica did, I had experienced variety of men characters, be it just friends, BFs or husband. Thinking hard...

So, the conclusion is I'm seeking "Chandler Bing" now, who uses sarcasm and humor as defense mechanism. Any gay looking Bings out there?! :)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Mongolian Investment Outlook 2011

Mongolian Investment Outlook for 2011 was released by US Embassy last month. While browsing through, I found horror storied that would scare most of foreigners even coming to this country, not to mention making investments. How come, Mongolian government, which is so keen in attracting FDI is allowing such situations to exist?
Are we that barbaric and hatred filled that we would hate any foreigner that comes into our soil? Since when we are so keen to keep things to ourselves, whereas whole world is moving towards globalization, be it good or bad? It was strange to read this report as this one warns investors that even though at the policy level Mongolia wants and needs FDI, actual trickery is emphasized within daily routines, small formalities that hinder anyone wanting to come to this country.
Furthermore, within this time period, when we have discovered our mineral wealth and continuing to discover more, we need foreigners, especially those with good governance and best practices. Not those who are willing to do anything to get the "gold." We are like a middle school bully who tries to solve its problems with force only. No intelligence is needed. What a shame!
I had no idea that if someone was involved in small dispute somewhere in administrative court, they cannot get exit visa and cannot leave the country! Well, I have not been around a lot, but seen countries, seen cultures. None of them required me to obtain exit visa. What a dumb idea, to require a visa to exit the country?! Wow?! Story of "Dumb and dumber...."

If you want to read this report, please download it from below link, or you can Google it.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Sony Ericsson Play and Arc

New handset/game-console is on the way by Sony Ericsson, named Play and Arc. Fascinating! Now, you don't need to lift your butt off the couch to reach your phone or game console. Its just 1 item. What a convenience! Is SE trying to compensate its Xperia to iPhone? Perhaps...

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Expired eggs are sold on the market?

Few weeks ago, while shopping at one of the biggest supermarkets in UB, i have stumbled upon dozen eggs, packaged in plastic packaging, as usual. We Mongolians usually look for date of expiry on food items, as we have had bad experience in the past, consuming expired food and getting into the food poisoning. I'm no exception to that "rule." The eggs that i was buying were dated as produced on Jan 25th, and to be stored in fridge for about two weeks. Well, the thing was that i was buying that egg on evening of Jan 24th. So, somehow that egg travelled through time and was placed right before me. And right then it shawned on me. It was egg stamped before the actual date. Plus, this egg was imported from Russia. Even if its imported via air cargo, the fastest way currently known to humanity, it camnot get on the store shelfs on the same date as it is produced. So, the eggs are stamped in Mongolia, by importing company, was my conclusion. How can we know the real production date, if the date is stamped by the importer. Is it expired product, just with new date stamped? How can we be sure that the product is safe to use?

My conclusion, it is better to by domestics products for easily perishible goods. Secondly, even if the production & expiry dates of the product is up to date, it is better to think twice before buying imported goods. However, the last statement is "Food Safety is in its lowest point in Mongolia." Beware!!!

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Monday, January 10, 2011

Traffic Rules of Mongolia

If you going to drive on Mongolian roads, or if you are required to do so, I believe this handbook will help you a lot to adjust to the traffic system of Mongolia, especially of UB. Please visit site: and on the right hand column, you will see handbooks, please press below third book (as illustrated) and it will take you to the English versions of Mongolian Road Rules (this includes signs too).

I believe it is justifiable that I should warn whoever starting to drive on Mongolian roads. We are warriors, be it in history, in military on even on the roads :)
It is like small battle to be on the roads of UB, with its heavy traffic and unobservant drivers. Thus, for a while, please try to hire some Mongolian driver who is already accustomed to the battle field.