Proverbs around the corner

"Whatever you give a woman, she will make greater. If you give her sperm, she'll give you a baby. If you give her a house, she'll give you a home. If you give her groceries, she'll give you a meal. If you give her a smile, she'll give you her heart. She multiplies and enlarges what is given to her. So, if you give her any crap, be ready to receive tons of shit."

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

A Beautiful Love Meant To Be (T.S)

Found this beautiful poem on and wanted to share it with you.

His heart was a fortress,nothing could get through,
No one else could cause him further sorrow too.
The battlements were fortified,the armaments were set.
True Love hadn't broken through his defenses yet.

He was able to keep people at a distance to protect his emotional state,
But life wasn't really all that great.
He'd lie to himself and say I'm doing alright,
Even though his tears flowed freely at night.

Past heartaches had put steel bars upon his heart,
Loneliness was slowly tearing him apart.
Upon these troubles he would stew,
As he prayed for a love that was true.

God had compassion on this simple man,
Because he had a divine plan.
This simple man met an amazing woman
Through a poetry website,
Who filled his heart and mind with delight.

Her kind caring words and compasionate soul,
Lifted this man out of his woe.
As they talked their friendship began to start,
She restored the broken pieces of his shattered heart.

With affection she lifted his spirit and brought it into the light,
A flame of love in his heart she began to ignite.
Her love removed the bars from his heart,
Restored his faith in Love and gave it a fresh start.

He said to her the three magic words of love,
Inspired by feelings placed in his heart by his heavenly father above.
She expressed her affection and love so true,
His heart opened up and then he knew.

The beautiful love they shared was meant to be,
For the simple man in this story is me.


Friday, February 12, 2010

Shopping in UB

Seriously, guys! Whoever run shopping business in Mongolia, should consider prolonging the opening times of their stores. Stores closing at 7.30 -8.00 pm? What the heck!
I finish my job at 6pm. Want to shop after that, but almost all stores, especially clothing stores are closed! The one that is still open is State Department Store. I believe they work until 9pm or so. However, their choice of goods is limited. Most clothing lines are "brand names" and they cost twice as much as in US! My favorite shops close at 8pm. Shall I shop on weekends? But everybody else does the same, so the crowd and traffic is crazy on those days. Any solution? To prolong the opening hours! It is a win-win situation for store owners and shoppers as well. How come nobody is doing that? Weird!

Monday, February 1, 2010

When you're in 30s and single

I meant to write on this topic for a long time now, but never had the time to sit down and do so. So, I guess this is one of the attributes being in 30s. You are constantly busy. You're loaded with work, taking care of your kid(s), helping out your parents. And plus, if you're single, you're trying to manage to meet someone new. It is ironic, hilarious, and sad.

Well, on this post, I want you (who are not 30 yet, or has been 30 sometime ago) either to dive into the world of 30 something or just remember what it was like when YOU were at this age.

Kids. Managing and nurturing children is tough job! I admit. I have one child, it is tough to figure out ways to guide and be a good mentor. How my parents managed to bring up two kids, while working, cannot imagine :), but me and my brother turned out to be OK. Now, it is my turn to bring up my child. Confused. How, when, what? I'm at the age when I do not know enough, but independent enough to carry out my own life-decisions.

Finance. By age 30, most of us own our own property, be it house to live in or office to work. It gives us additional security and boosts the self-esteem. Financial independence in 30s is more common than when you were in 20s. Now, you can buy anything you want, do anything you want, and don't have to ask for $20 bill from your parents :)

Sex. Sex life becomes more enjoyable. Now, you know what you want, when you want it and with whom. When you are single, you have the freedom to choose with whom to mate. I think it is one of the positive side of being loner at 30s. Moreover, you know your body well enough to have actually and truly enjoy sex.

Character. The personality and characteristics are already settled in 30s. Now, you are who you are and will be for the rest of the life. Except, exceptionally few major events, nothing will change who you are. I already have my principles settled, goals set, ideas and opinions established, and nothing will move me from them. When you are single, you have gotten used to doing things yourself, so you are more independent, strong, but at the same time more aloof.

Last but not least, it is great being single and 30!