I guess every one of us has some kind of phobia, be it mild or strongly expressed in our actions. For example, I have a very strong phobia for insects, which is called Entomophobia, and mild phobia for wild animals - Agrizoophobia.
There are like thousands of phobia types. I'll just list some of them:
- Ablutophobia - Fear of washing or bathing (dirty little .... )
- Allodoxaphobia - Fear of opinions. (no opinion, very dumb, or perhaps peaceful?)
- Aurophobia - Fear of gold (uuuh, would love to have this, as this will decrease my greed)
- Bibliophobia - Fear of books (oh come on, just another reason not to do homework)
- Caligynephobia- Fear of beautiful women (would love to have this kind of man as a husband , ha ha ha)
- Chorophobia- Fear of dancing (oohh, poor thing!)
OK, had my fun. Didn't mean to offend anyone, sorry if I did!
Cheers ya'll!