Proverbs around the corner

"Whatever you give a woman, she will make greater. If you give her sperm, she'll give you a baby. If you give her a house, she'll give you a home. If you give her groceries, she'll give you a meal. If you give her a smile, she'll give you her heart. She multiplies and enlarges what is given to her. So, if you give her any crap, be ready to receive tons of shit."

Monday, December 22, 2008

Beautiful love story

Last night, I have watched KBS World. There was show called "Chitchat with Beautiful Ladies." Multicultural talk show with Korean and foreign women, exchanging their experience and views on foreign and Korean cultures. Well, it got my attention alright. But it turned into something I have never expected. On the panel speakers, there was one Mongolian girls, T.Zolzaya! Obviously I was proud. But then things turned like magic. This girlie talk show turned into romantic dream. One guy confessed in love with one of the panelists and came to the show. And guess what? It was the ex-boyfriend of Zolzaya!!! So, romantic, so cute! Oh my god! It was better than any movie I ever watched. My heart melted and my eyes were teary. I cried! Here is the links to the show.

I could not find the one with English subtitle. I don't speak Korean, if you do... just watch and melt your heart. Beautiful story!

Monday, December 1, 2008

At least I should...

Dear all,

Good morning/day/evening to you all!

Last few weeks have been busy, busy weeks for me. I have changed my job and now I'm a "busy"ness woman :) However, sometimes one just have to pull him/herself from the work and give yourself time to relax. And, I am doing exactly that right now :) I'm updating my dear blogs.

Well, it has snowed last two days here in UB. It is beautiful and refreshing. The air is more clear and clean, during morning and day times. Obviously, it is awful at night time, as usual, full with fumes and smokes coming from ger area. Officials, talked and talked like some kind of parrots for years, to diminish the air pollution in UB, but nothing significant has been done.
With bad air comes the health problems. The number of young and elders with cold and flu symtoms accepted to hospital wards have dramatically increased, pointing to an urgent need for drastic actions to remove the air pollutants from the city.
That aside, one more bad thing, which everybody knows, is traffic. The city was planned for no more than 500,000 people, and its capacity has been overfilled long time ago, when the city residents exceeded 1 million, somewhere in 2004-2005. I wonder how people live in bigger and more crammed cities like New York or Hong Kong? The number of vehicles is increased by 20-30,000 annually. Imagine, little tiny roads, with more than 150,000 cars. Every 8th person drives in the city, ke ke. Very funny.
OK, so I got off my steam by writing depressing stuff. Enjoy the day people! :)